Fossil Fighters Wiki
Wingin' it
From left to right: Duna, Dynal, Raptin, and a Dinomaton
Japanese: ディノリアン


Debut: Fossil Fighters
Species Characteristics
Origin: Home World Unknown (Destroyed)
Hair Color: Green (Generic)
White (Dynal)
Pink (Duna)
Purple (Raptin)
Eye Color: Yellow
Distinctions: Reptilian tail, markings under the eyes, pointed ears, ability to transform
Leader: Dynal XVI
Known Members: Dynal
Affiliatied Organizations: B.B. Bandits (Paid to find the tacky idols)
Signature Vivosaur: Dinomaton Medal FFC

The dinaurians are a race of intelligent beings from an unnamed planet. After their home planet was destroyed by Guhnash, they attempted to find another planet to settle. They become heavily involved with the events of Fossil Fighters when the tacky idols are revealed to be of dinaurian origin.


Dinaurians are easily recognizable by their pointed ears and long, reptilian tails. They typically have light-blue skin and darker blue garments. They also have notable markings underneath their eyes.

In battle, they take the form of various dinosaurs, keeping their coloring after the transformation.


The dinaurians are an intelligent species that come from a far away planet that was destroyed by Guhnash. There are three main dinaurians known: Duna, Raptin, and King Dynal. They attempted to restore their society through "Project Mother Earth." The project's goal was to rebuild dinaurian society by planting "seeds" of dinaurian DNA on a primitive Earth during the Cambrian period which would eventually evolve into modern dinaurians. The idolcomps were used to monitor and maintain the "seeds" evolution path and if the "seeds" were to take an unwanted evolutionary path the main-idolcomp would use the motherships regressor rays to devolve them and repeat the process until the desired result was achieved. The dinaurians would wait out this plan in "stone sleep" a state of suspended animation. Unfortunately, the "seeds" died out quickly leaving no trace of dinaurian influence on Earth. The four sub-idolcomps decided to simply observe life as the regressor rays could not alter the life native to earth permanently. The main-idolcomp wanted to take a different course of action and continue the original plan. Since the regressor rays would not work the main-idolcomp decide to exterminate all native life by sending signals to Guhnash who would destroy the planet and all life on the planet. The sub-idolcomps objected to this plan and ejected themselves from the mothership to disable the main-idolcomp. Another ship that was autopiloted at that time somehow acquired a simple of Guhnash's tissue to study for weakness, however the energy from the tissue caused the ship to malfunction and crash on Secret Island. In modern times, the ship's remains were discovered by Mr. Richmond and Dr. Diggins, the latter who would reverse engineer the stone sleep technology for fossil revival. The island was later hidden from radar to avoid misuse of the technology on it. Later, the dinaurians would awake and discovered that their plan had failed and the Earth was populated by humans. Believing that there was an accident and that humans were simply a mistake of Project: Mother Planet the dinaurians decided to recover the idolcomps. They offered BB Boss Bullwort 10,000,000 G to find the tacky idols (in reality the sub-idolcomps).


These quotes are assumed to have been made by Duna, Raptin, and Dynal, but it is not certain who makes which one.

"We're just going to let them go?"

"Why not just steal the devices from them now? They couldn't stop us."

"I think we need not worry. They still have not found the last one."

"We can simply wait until they are all collected together, then then take them."

"But what about the BB Bandits? We can't count on them anymore."

"Who exactly will we have looking for the last device?"

"I believe we have a solution to that problem already..."


  • The dinaurians have a reptilian appearance. They are most likely based on an idea of what humans would look like if they had evolved from reptiles instead of mammals coupled with typical alien traits.
Dr Diggins VS Icon FF Fossil Fighters Characters Rosie VS Icon FF
Major Characters Hero (Fossil Fighters)RosieMr. RichmondHoltDr. DigginsKL-33NMedal-Dealer JoeDigadig Tribe (Digadig Chieftain) ▪ Nevada MontecarloMcJunkerSaurhead (Fanboy and Fighting Fan) ▪ Captain Woolbeard
Minor Characters Announcers (Slate Johnson, P.A. Leon) ▪ BethArea Guide (Attendant, Laurence, Margaret) ▪ WendySueBea GinnerTipperTy TullTiffanyHotel ManagerHotel Music ClubSam InaroOonga OongaNick NackCaptain TraversChipVivosaur ManSamuraiPeteyPeggyMr. OzzlewitKL-34NMisc NPCs
Antagonists B.B. BanditsB.B. Bandit Trio (Rex, Snivels, Vivian) ▪ BB BossThe Great BlambeauGuhnash
Dinaurians DunaRaptinDynalSub-Idolcomp
Boy 2 Icon Fossil Fighters: Champions Characters Portrait Joe Icon
Major Characters Hero (Champions)ToddPauleenRupertJoaniePrincess PoochJoe WildwestProfessor ScatterlyRobinsonDigadig ChieftainFossilDig CEOMinister Pomposa
Minor Characters Staff Leaders (Kent, Stella, Terry) ▪ Announcers (Ty Ranno, Trip Cera) ▪ Di66-RRosieCameronChelseaDannyGuardianJakeJohn GuanoKL-33NLucindaMelodieNellPetulaTess ScoreTudor BrothersTy Tull Jr.Wallace
Antagonists Pat BullRockin' BillyJerry and LeeBareBones Brigade (Cole, Lester, Lola, Don Boneyard, Goons) ▪ Zongazonga
Bonus Data Dinaurians (Duna, Raptin, Dynal) ▪ RyneFavre